More efficiency for construction and agricultural machines
Between discussions about low prices and the lowest possible pollution of food from the supermarket, many forget that the approach to environmentally friendly and resource-saving agriculture can start with the equipment of the implements. Because whether tractors, combine harvesters, beet harvesters or hay rakes - they all offer potential for savings. Savings in fuel, exhaust fumes and noise. Savings that ultimately benefit everyone, the producers, the end customers and the environment. Feasible through just one single adjusting screw: the selection of the right drive.
- More environmental protection through less noise pollution and reduction of CO2 emissions.
- More flexibility of use due to less exhaust fumes and the resulting possibilities for use in halls and on open spaces that need to be protected.
- More possibilities thanks to the control card with freely parameterisable interface and PLC functionality.
- More yield through optimisation of the machining processes to specific conditions.
- More economic efficiency through the use of regeneratively generated energy.
Progress through precision farming - the application possibilities
The drive not only has an important function in its role as the main actor within the chassis, but the individual connected auxiliary drives and implements are also crucial. Drive technology as a whole is responsible for precise control and regulation and is therefore becoming increasingly important for efficient arable farming. It is a fact that advancing urbanisation and climate-related changes are shrinking the area of land that can be farmed, while increasing industrialisation, population growth and shifting diets are creating ever greater demand for food. When it comes to the agriculture of today and tomorrow, 'precision farming' is the buzzword. To meet these demands, REFUdrive sees it as its duty to develop solutions for your mobile machines.